Busch Stadium
St. Louis Cardinals
Major League
TL;DR? Here’s the long-form piece in a nutshell:
Busch Stadium is one of the more difficult ballparks to assess, because nearly all of its assets are derived from factors independent of the actual building that was heavily value engineered.
While baseball’s 2nd best skyline views, a now-completed Ballpark Village, and the Cardinals fanbase bolster the overall Busch Stadium experience, there aren’t many frills to elevate a merely passable structure.
1) Independent of the postcard views, Busch Stadium is one of the most generic parks of its era, perhaps epitomizing the peak “retro cookie cutter.” While other parks with skyline views seem more organically interwoven with their urban context, Busch Stadium feels kind of dropped from the sky into Downtown St. Louis, with a boring outfield seating design that could be mistaken for a renovated multipurpose facility. The interior feels like a template, a generic starting point without any distinction in its own right.
Recalling the local area, the exterior facade is admittedly beautiful, but it comes across as a bit too formulaic and derivative for 2006, and I don’t think retro red brick was the right design choice for the city. Yes, it’s gorgeous, but architecturally, a very safe and unoriginal design.
2) Independent of Ballpark Village outside of the park, the amenities inside of the park are completely unimpressive, with a main concourse closed to the field, poor to pedestrian food and craft beer quality, and a notable lack of destination social spaces within the footprint. The Cardinals Hall of Fame in Ballpark Village is outstanding, but there’s aren’t many historical tributes that scream Cardinals baseball within Busch’s confines.
Busch Stadium is all about the view, the fans, and the features outside in Ballpark Village, without much creative thinking applied to the structure itself and to the neglect of adding fan-friendly amenities inside the park.
Those assets alone are outstanding enough to get Busch Stadium in my half top, but it should have been better.